Conferences and Meetups

Talks, training, and workshops I did.
You can contact me if you would like to organize something like this for your conference or company.
React Query Hooks for XTechnology Saturday online meetup (24-12-2022) - slides
Runtime Type Safety in Typescript for Typescript Berlin Meetup online conference (30-03-2021) - slides
Runtime Type Safety in Typescript for jsPoland online conference (20-11-2020) - slides.
NestJS - Backend out of the box - Dev Russia online conference (27-06-2020) - slides - video
Angular Bad Practices for ngHeidelberg - online meetup (29-07-2020) - slides
Mighty Decorators in Typescript - online meetup for ngPoland (20-05-2020) - slides - video
Runtime Type Safety in Typescript for Angular Minsk meetup (29-02-2020) - slides
Mighty Decorators in Typescript - Angular Belarus Meetup (10-02-2020) slides - article
Angular Bad Practices - GDG Dev Fest Gorky 2019, GDG Conference in Nizhniy Novgorod (15-11-2019). I did a talk about Angular Bad Practice and workshop about NestJS (workshop plan)
Smells like Angular Spirit - AngularBelarus meetup #1, talk about NestJS (30-08-2019)
Angular Minsk meetup #1 (16-07-2019), talk about Angular Bad Practices
Angular Bad Practices - ngVikings conference (27-05-2019)
Dive into Agile - overview of original Agile Manifesto with practical interactive exercise for audience
State Management - MobX review and usage in Angular and Mobile Apps like React Native
GDG Dev Fest Belarus 2018 conference, talk about Application State Management
SarDotNet meetup 2018, CQRS and Event Sourcing
- Several other local meetups with the similar topics
- Several trainings and tech talks as part of educational activities in my companies (Agile training, Code Quality Training, Scrum Training, 'Features of a national programming' - training about cultural differences in IT industry and some others)